CityQ AS

»CityQ is an ebike with the com­fort and tech­nol­o­gy of a car, and with the ben­e­fits of a bicy­cle. You can cycle 2 chil­dren and lug­gage door to door, with­out hav­ing to wor­ry about bad weath­er, car traf­fic or park­ing issues. Nor do you have to wor­ry about has­sle with mechan­i­cal gears and chains – as these have been replaced with soft­ware man­aged dri­ve­train – like you find in elec­tric cars. That is why we call CityQ a Car-eBike,« says founder Morten Rynning.

The CityQ may look like a car – but is not much larg­er than a bicy­cle. The width is only 87cm and the weight appr. 70kg. It is aligned with Euro­pean reg­u­la­tions for ebikes the same way as 3–4 wheels car­go ebikes. The dri­ver has to ped­al, the motors is lim­it­ed to 250W and max speed is 25kmh. With two bat­ter­ies it has a range of 70–100km.

CityQ has no chain or gears. Like an elec­tric car – these mechan­i­cal parts have been replaced by soft­ware. This will enable pro­gram­ing and upgrad­ing a range of con­ve­nient dri­ve modes like reverse, cruise con­trol, regen­er­at­ing breaks, heavy car­go mode, and auto­mat­ic gearing.
As part of this soft­ware plat­form CityQ includes an app to open/lock, track and even rent the Car-eBike.

CityQ has been devel­oped since for 3 years togeth­er with inter­na­tion­al part­ners and experts from both car and bicy­cle indus­try as well as IT-indus­try. And CityQ is patent­ing its chas­sis for a lean 4 wheels bicycle.

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