European Electric Vehicle Batteries Summit 2018

SAVE THE DATE: 20. — 21. Juni 2018 / München
Max­imis­ing the Effi­cien­cy of the Bat­ter­ies while Opti­mis­ing the Pro­duc­tion Costs
ACI’s Elec­tric Vehi­cle Bat­ter­ies Sum­mit will be tak­ing place in Munich, Ger­many, on 20th & 21st June 2018. The two day event will bring togeth­er key indus­try stake­hold­ers from the bat­tery man­u­fac­tur­ers, car man­u­fac­tur­ers, ener­gy stor­age com­po­nent mate­r­i­al devel­op­ers, tech­nol­o­gy providers, grid oper­a­tors, pol­i­cy mak­ers, envi­ron­men­tal bod­ies, consultants.
The con­cept of bat­tery elec­tric vehi­cles is to use charged bat­ter­ies on board vehi­cles for propul­sion. Bat­tery elec­tric cars are becom­ing more and more attrac­tive with the advance­ment of new bat­tery tech­nol­o­gy (Lithi­um Ion) that have high­er pow­er and ener­gy den­si­ty (i.e., greater pos­si­ble accel­er­a­tion and more range with few­er bat­ter­ies) and high­er oil prices.
Key Top­ics

  • The mul­ti­lat­er­al involve­ment in the Euro­pean consortium
  • Attract­ing the pro­duc­tion and devel­op­ing the knowledge
  • The effect of EV’s tran­si­tion to the auto­mo­tive val­ue chain
  • The lat­est tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ments in the bat­tery sector
  • Vehi­cle to grid (V2G): the impact & ben­e­fits of bat­ter­ies in the network
  • Ener­gy stor­age sys­tems for mobile and sta­tion­ary applications
  • New busi­ness mod­els and Invest­ment needed
  • Case study: vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ers’ perspective
  • Sec­ond life and recy­cled batteries
  • Coun­try case study

To get full brochure or to reg­is­ter with 15% sup­port­ing part­ner dis­count, please con­tact: Moham­mad Ahsan on +44 (0)20 3141 0606 or ⇢
More infor­ma­tion: ⇢

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