7. Workshop »Lithium-Schwefel-Batterien«

SAVE THE DATE: 12. — 13. Novem­ber 2018 / Fraun­hofer IWS Dresden
Lithi­um-sul­fur bat­ter­ies are the most promis­ing choice for future ener­gy stor­age sys­tems. Lithi­um met­al anodes are deci­sive com­po­nents as they deter­mine cycling sta­bil­i­ty and spe­cif­ic ener­gy, also in sol­id state bat­ter­ies. Top­i­cal ses­sions of this year’s work­shop will address the devel­op­ment of lithi­um met­al anodes and all-sol­id-state cell con­cepts. Nov­el mate­ri­als such as nanos­truc­tured carbon/sulfur com­pos­ite cath­odes, sol­id elec­trolytes and alloy-based anodes are cru­cial to sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhance the cell performance.
Fol­low­ing the great suc­cess of our pre­vi­ous Lithi­um-Sul­fur Bat­tery Work­shops, this year’s sym­po­sium will again bring togeth­er an inter­na­tion­al audi­ence of sci­en­tists and indus­tri­al customers.
Renowned experts will present the lat­est results, new mate­ri­als, process­es and appli­ca­tions in the field of lithi­um-sul­fur batteries.
Ple­nary lec­tures by inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned speak­ers as well as an exhi­bi­tion run­ning con­cur­rent­ly to the con­fer­ence will offer del­e­gates excel­lent pos­si­bil­i­ties to get acquaint­ed with the lat­est devel­op­ments and research results. A poster ses­sion will com­ple­ment the com­pre­hen­sive tech­ni­cal program.
Gen­er­al topics:

  • elec­trode materials
  • lithi­um met­al anodes
  • all-sol­id-state cell concepts
  • sep­a­ra­tors and electrolytes
  • mech­a­nisms
  • cell design and manufacturing
  • appli­ca­tions for Li-S-Batteries

Con­fer­ence Fee:
Par­tic­i­pants: 450 Euro
Stu­dents: 295 Euro
Reg­is­tra­tion deadline:
Octo­ber 22, 2018

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