Typhoon HIL solutions

Typhoon HIL solu­tions are based on ultra-high-fideli­ty con­troller-Hard­ware-in-the-Loop (C‑HIL) sim­u­la­tion for test­ing con­trol for pow­er elec­tron­ics, micro­grids, dis­tri­b­u­tion net­works, and e‑mobility appli­ca­tions. We pro­vide indus­try-proven, ver­ti­cal­ly inte­grat­ed test solu­tions and test automa­tion tools, along with the high­est-qual­i­ty cus­tomer support.
To sup­port cus­tomers in test­ing and devel­op­ing BMS sys­tems, we are pro­vid­ing a state-of-the-art solu­tion that includes bat­tery cell, sen­sor and stack volt­age emu­la­tors, as well as emu­lat­ed pro­to­cols. They are avail­able out-of-the-box with our real-time sim­u­la­tors, where high-fideli­ty bat­tery cell mod­els are run­ning as a part of a com­plete­ly ver­ti­cal­ly inte­grat­ed solution.
To test Elec­tric Vehi­cle (EV) pow­er­trains and on-board charg­ers (OBC), with­in our solu­tion you can:

  • Sim­u­late in real time dif­fer­ent high-fideli­ty elec­tric motor mod­els that include non-lin­ear flux sat­u­ra­tion effects, spa­tial har­mon­ics, and power/thermal losses;
  • Import machine para­me­ters and mod­els direct­ly from Finite Ele­ment Mod­els (FEM) tools like JMAG-RT, enabling seam­less workflow;
  • Sim­u­late faults and sce­nar­ios that are hard to recre­ate in a lab;
  • Typhoon Test IDE is a test automa­tion infra­struc­ture that helps users write scripts and auto­mate the whole process;
    all down to a 200 ns timestep with 3.5 ns input over­sam­pling and ASAM XIL stan­dard compatibility.

Weit­er Infor­ma­tio­nen find­en Sie hier: ⇢ www.typhoon-hil.com

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